Sunday, January 5, 2014

Super Junior Sungmin ~ The Three Musketeers Musical Review [JAN 04 2014]

2014년 1월 4일 – 토요일 (20시)

성민 as 달타냥 ♥
You might say I keep saying the same things and only giving him praise…
But really, there is not a major flaw to criticize with his performances just yet.
Well, honestly..I still think his first performance during 131213 was still the best vocally until now.
I have read some reviews from the point of view of a non-fan, and I do agree that his voice is not that “thick” as most musical actors have.
Indeed, his voice is smooth..the type you would want to listen to when you need healing..
It may not be the stereotypical voice suited for musicals but hey, he owns the stage with that kind of voice.
Anyway, on to my review of today’s performance..
Vocally, it’s almost the same as with his previous performances..
There’s that very little struggle when sustaining the highest note but he always manages to pull through
I particularly like it when he sang ♪ 정의는 반드시..살아있다 ♫ and ♪ 내 앞에 천사 있어 ♫ this time. It was so heartfelt and soulful ~
I noticed that he was less playful today though and threw fewer ad libs ~ But still very cute of course, especially when Constance pinched his cheeks.
During the part where he kisses someone from the audience, he was nice enough to ask in Japanese: ”大丈夫?”
He really knows how to distinguish his fans XD
I watched Park Jinwoo through the monitors outside the hall while waiting for Sungmin’s shows..
All the more I can attest that he really gives the best performance during the sword scene.
It is not easy! Every millisecond counts, or he’d miss..
He did very well today! The audience even clapped after his fight scene with Jussac.
The clapping happens almost all the time, but it was extra loud today ^^
Once again, I saw how good his chemistry is with J-Min ~
I actually wish he would kiss whoever the Constance is, for real.. all the time… HAHAHA!
Just… see if it would even escalate the romantic feel even more.
Ahh, just 2 more shows ㅠㅠㅠ
Basically, I already watched him perform with all the actors he will be with again for his last 2 shows.
Let’s see how it goes ~^^
For me, he is the “cool” version of Aramis (while Min Youngki is the charming version).
Son Junho is a different breed that I equally like. I don’t know if it’s just me but I find his charisma overflowing.
He makes everything seem effortless, particularly when he is singing.
His neck veins don’t engorge so much yet such powerful, solid voice comes out from his mouth.
When acting, he gives off that “smug” kind of he oozing with self-confidence, and he sustains it well throughout the show.
He is just 3 years older than Sungmin so I felt that he added some more “youth” to the cast combination.
Usually, I see Sungmin as their little son..but with him around, I felt that he was just their little brother
He gave a very refreshing performance, I must say. I became an instant fan.
I’m glad I will be able to watch him again on the 9th for Sungmin’s last show

by: goldie0415
Source Credit: goldie0415

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